It is a nice mighty tree. It looks good, has a svelte silhouette, elegant and free in motion. He likes himself. However, it's not easy to live with him constantly. He has a lively nature and is quite demanding. He's striving for anybody to take care of him, to think and live the way he likes most of all, to do only what he wants. And as soon as he has attraction to independent life, not everybody will stand it. He's laughing at a vital difficulties, which makes the impression of irresponsibility and weak will. But it's only an appearance. The Ash knows very well what he wants, and even better he knows what he does not want. He's haughty in everything related to his success and prosperity. In his striving for own happiness he is so much forceful, that he can crush everything on his way to his target. He is egoist, but not a miser. He is generous, he's sharing everything. This capricious nature in a field îf love shows absolutely different features: he may be circumspect, constant, prudent. Strictly speaking, in this area Ash has a biggest success and he can make a good choice, weigh all pro and contra. His union of hearts may also be a marriage of propriety. He is rarely wrong and he makes a lot of efforts to arrange his family life and oftenly it goes successfully. His mind is based on intuition first. He's original and full of fantasies. So as Rowan, Willow and Walnut, the Ash has unusual gift of insight. Oftenly he likes to play a prophet and when his predictions do realize, his fame growth even more. Ash do always plays to a Fortune a little. But this tree is safe, do not afraid to hide in his shadow. Traits of those who were born under the sign of Ash tree: intelligence, striving to synthesis, intuition, fantasy.