Name analysis

Your Name:  


The Number of your fortune wheel of life symbolizes square. It means justice and equality. And you are enslaved by four sides of this squareso that you can not move. You can only grow upwards. The square represents all practical aspects of your life. You may think your wheel of fortune as the foundation of good things which will happen in the future. You are patient, cautious and always ready to work. Just as a master of a wall, your tools are logic and method. You're loyal and reliable. However, conservatism limits you. Details, however, casts a shadow on the conclusion of some of your efforts. If you don't impose your views on others, progress will be easier. You can enliven the imagination of form as a concept with all the details as a master architect. After that, you can prepare project on paper with your own practical attitude. No one could tell that you fail to aid your duties and responsibilities. Because where the trust is needed, they find you.