Dear Cancer, a pleasing connection between your third and seventh houses this year suggests that the lines of communication open up between you and someone you have feelings for. In order to be happy you have to get rid of negative minded peoples from your life. On March 5, Mercury enters in a retrograde position for the first time in 2019, and it will maintain its position until March 28. This will be beneficial for your career. You'll obtain broader, clear view about the world. Expectations of forward progress may have to be temporarily revised. Since you are an emotional water sign, Moon exerts more influence on you rather than other zodiac signs. If not mention eclipses in January everything seems good for your life throughout 2019. July eclipses will even push you forward, decreasing pressures over you and making your life more comfortable. In order to maintain healthy life you should avoid sugar, starch and more inclined to vegetable and fish based meals.