What is Astrology?

With the written history of mankind, even before that, astrology, as public information emerges. People didn't learn to save information yet, but they stare to the stars in the sky, the sun's movement with excitement. Lunar and solar eclipses are described as terrible events. Sunset increases fear even more. And then people realize that these movements are periodic and information orally transmitted to the next generations. From now on the fear is reduced. Mankind begin to keep records in order to learn more. This gives birth to Calendar. With the increase of the importance of agriculture calendar's importance grows. First written records emerge which use visual cues. For Astrology its the beginning of the process of rebirth. Calculation connoisseurs notice the power of information. People establish high shrines and movement of the planets are studied. Astrologers of this period are also the oracles. Concept of year and month in accordance with the practical needs arise. Year is considered as a complete circuit of earth around the sun. There are errors in calculation, but it is not so important. Phases of the moon put forward the concept of month. Ancient Astrologers divide month into weeks, which is also divided into seven days according to planets known to them including Moon. Then registration records are kept and meticulous calculations are passed on. Surely all civilizations at different times have made astrological calculations. Babylon, Ancient Egyptian, Indian, Ancient Chinese, Mayan, Aztec, Incan, Ancient Greek, Roman and Arab civilizations are among them. We don't know about first astrologers, because they lived long before the invention of writing, but the first people were the Chaldeans who first kept astologic records. In 3000 BC Chaldeans (today's Iraq) revealed one of the most well-known original form of astrology. Dedicated to King Sargon " Namar Beli " bears the distinction of being the oldest known astrological text. It is also known that 4000 years ago in India and China developments done in the study of astrology.

Afterwards Ancient Greeks start the interest in astrology too. Especially in the writings of great thinkers Pythagoras and Plato, the existence of astrology in ancient Greek world 500 B.C. is mentioned. Greek language related terms such as Zodiac, Astrology, Horoscope were spread over the world from Greek language. Greeks named the belt of signs where the sun passes in the sky as Zodiac ( zodiakos kyklos ), i.e. "circle of animals". Astrology itself meaning Astro - stars, logos - science in the Greek language.

The first generation of the astrological notes about zodiac signs were a little different than it is today. In 180 A.D. the great Greek mathematician and astronomer Ptolemy transformed them into the form as we use today. Ptolemy included earlier astrological reports in his book "Apotelesmatika". Then it spread to the Romans and from there to other parts of Europe, and widely accepted. These reports return to the East with the rise of Islam in the Middle East again, even more enlarged in form. Reports on which Arabian astrologs developed detailed extra works return to Europe second time by trade and through the Crusades. Albumasur - who lived between 800 and 885 - or Abu Manuchar's work being translated into Latin as "Introductorium en Astronomy" and astrology is gaining importance in Europe again. Towards the end of the Middle Ages astrology renowns as Western astrology. In the last century, Carl Jung wrote articles about astrology, and used it as source for works of the human personality and motivation.

Astrology examines the time period in which the Sun passes through signs. It shows areas of opportunity, lucky times, delays, forcing fields which restricts you in your natal chart. You may miss this opportunity in terms of Planets' lucky periods if you sit around doing nothing. Likewise at the period when effects of the planets are challenging, if you show the necessary effort and perseverance, you will overcome all the difficulties and find inner energy even you were not aware of before.